The Toxic Solution
The three key determinants of whether or not you will enjoy health today, tomorrow, and lifelong:
1) The extent of your exposure to toxins
2) The ability of your body to neutralize or excrete toxins
3) Your commitment to building your detoxification capacity
Colon hydrotherapy is what I call the ”Grand Daddy” of detoxification. Before coming to my office many people try to detox their body through parasite cleanses, liver and gallbladder flushes, heavy metal detox protocols and changing their diet. “But that’s putting the cart before the horse.“
The best way to start a detox program is to clean out the colon FIRST to make sure that its toxic contents (everything in the colon is what the body did not want/rejected) is able to move through the lumen (what I refer to as the canal or tunnel) and exit in a timely manner otherwise it will get stuck in the colon and re-circulate. This is BAD NEWS!
Next you detoxify the contents of the gallbladder to make sure that the bile is fresh and can flow like oil rather then thick tar which happens when it stays in to long. When the bile in the gallbladder can flow easily then the liver is free to excrete all of the environmental toxins, release our toxic medications, heavy metals, chemicals that are in our foods and drinks. If you try to do it in the reverse order as most people that are unaware do then there is a high propensity of the above mentioned plus the heavy metals, parasites etc to get hung up in the colon because of the many twist, loops, prolapses and elongation‘s that occurs because of constipation and a slow transient time that can and will create bigger issues. Most people besides being either constipated having diarrhea or experiencing gas and bloating are also usually every tired, fatigued and just not their happy selfs.
Detoxification should be done daily. In our modern environment and in my opinion it’s important to detoxify every day to stop and to prevent the accumulation of toxins in our bodies. Once your colon is cleaned out then other organs can secrete much more efficiently and movement through the gut or what is called the transient time which is between 12 and 24 hours it’s much easier to do a daily detox through eating the proper foods, wholefood supplements and herbs (which come in many forms such as teas, capsules, tinctures etc).
This is the proper order: Colon >small intestine>gallbladder>liver